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The German guests welcomed the initiative, expressing their conviction that it will allow peaceful coexistence in the region

May 21,2024 11:15

On May 20, the RA NA Vice President Ruben Rubinyan received the members of the Social-Democratic Faction of the German Bundestag.

The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Sargis Khandanyan was present at the meeting.

Welcoming the guests, Ruben Rubinyan underscored that the Armenia-Germany relations are developing steadily, and this is facilitated by the recent active mutual visits both at the legislative and executive levels.

The NA Vice President presented the security situation in the region, spoke about the latest developments.

Sargis Khandanyan, speaking about Armenia’s steps to achieve lasting peace in the South Caucasus, presented the Crossroads of Peace project authored by the RA Government to his colleagues. The German guests welcomed the initiative, expressing their conviction that it will allow peaceful coexistence in the region.

The Armenian parliamentarians presented the programmes implemented by the RA Government to meet the needs of the forcibly displaced people from Nagorno-Karabakh, highlighting the support of the international partners in this matter.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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