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Sargis Khandanyan and Mateja Prevolšek agreed that there is an unrealized potential in a number of spheres, such as economy and tourism

May 23,2024 12:45

On May 22, the Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the RA National Assembly Sargis Khandanyan received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Slovenia to our country Mateja Prevolšek.

Welcoming the guest, Sargis Khandanyan congratulated the Ambassador on assuming the office and wished him success during his mission.

Speaking about the necessity of deepening the inter-parliamentary relations, the Committee Chair proposed to develop the cooperation between the namesake committees. Sargis Khandanyan valued the interaction with Slovenia also in the format of the Armenia-European Union relations.

The sides agreed that there is an unrealized potential in a number of spheres, such as economy and tourism.

The Committee Chair touched upon the security situation, the recent developments in the region, presented the initiative Crossroads of Peace authored by the RA Government.

Thanking the Committee Chair for the reception, the Ambassador positively assessed the current level of the parliamentary relations between the two countries. Mateja Prevolšek noted that Slovenia follows the ongoing processes in Armenia and supports the efforts of the Armenian side aimed at establishing long-term peace in the region.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia            

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