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What scares the Civil Contract?

May 24,2024 13:30

If the “Tavush for the Motherland” movement does not shake Pashinyan’s “throne” in any way, what is the point of CC members and other government propagandists talking about it from morning to night?

There is something that worries them. Otherwise, they would not have tried to “spoil” Reverend Bagrat with dozens of speeches in the National Assembly and on various broadcasts, particularly linking him with Kocharyan and Russia. The threat to “tax the church” is of the same order. I don’t have a high opinion of the intelligence of CC members, but their “boss” has a political instinct․

What is the peculiarity of this movement, which distinguishes it from previous movements, contrary to the opinion of the «Civil Contract» members, who claim that there is no difference? With all due respect to all politicians, let’s note that Reverend Bagrat is not Vazgen Manukyan or Ishkhan Saghatalyan. And that has its advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage, of course, is not knowing the nuances of political struggle tactics. You can’t make a demand:  «We give you one hour to resign, » and not add:  “Otherwise, I will do this or that.”

Such mistakes are, of course, numerous.

But there is also an advantage, which I would call an “ethical axis” or, if you like, “pathos,” which does not limit the goals of the movement to the mere demand for a change of power but contains the message of restoring and rediscovering human and national dignity.

«The temple would win the street» means that the mentality of street hooligans, the worldview of the «elite» who spit on people on the street, should be replaced by the worldview of people with decent, restrained, immaterial visions.

You may argue that there are hooligans and blasphemers among the protesters in the street and the opposition in general. But it is one thing when there are such personalities- another thing when hooliganism, denial, unbelief, and cynicism are «beliefs. »

The movement led by Reverend Bagrat has come out against this “faith.” At the moment, yes, it does not scare Pashinyan. The government can put more policemen on the streets than the opposition, the protesters. But if society understands the primary message of that movement, no «colored beret» will be able to prevent it. That is what terrifies the government.



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