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Armenian Shoes, Clothes, Champagne, Toys, and Dry Fruits in Las Vegas

May 28,2024 23:09

Recently, over ten Armenian companies participated in the prestigious “Licensing Expo 2024” international exhibition in Las Vegas. During the three-day event, the Armenian pavilion showcased shoes, clothes, champagne, toys, dry fruits, and other products from domestic manufacturers.

According to the expo organizers, even small producers have the opportunity to connect with representatives of global brands and form agreements at this exhibition. Every year, the expo brings together both well-known and emerging companies, many of which leave with new cooperation agreements.

Participants included renowned brands like Lego, McDonald’s, Amazon, and Nestle, whose representatives also showed interest in the Armenian pavilion.

The participation of Armenian manufacturers in the Las Vegas exhibition was organized by the “Armenian Business Corner” company, which financed 50% of the participation fees for the companies.

Lusine Budaghyan

Photos by Lianna Avagyan

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