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The Scoundrel’s Last Refuge Is Not Only Patriotism

May 29,2024 10:29

Today, it is customary to mock, belittle, and present patriotism as an empty word. This nihilism is particularly prevalent in the government and its associated circles in Armenia.

Those who propagate this view often refer to the famous saying of the 18th-century English poet and literary critic Samuel Johnson: “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” Indeed, Johnson was correct in noting that patriotism is often exploited by demagogues and manipulators to further their own deceitful agendas.

However, patriotism is not unique in this regard. Similar abuses occur with concepts like “democracy,” “human rights,” and “statehood.” Throughout history, we have seen “religion,” “communism,” “equality,” and even “morality” serve as veils for despicable behavior.

In essence, rogues can discredit anything. So why has modern Armenian official propaganda specifically targeted patriotism? The answer lies in a desire to undermine genuine patriotism and national dignity.

Consider the fact that we celebrate many heroes from the first Artsakh war, despite some later becoming controversial figures in society. We also honor heroes from the April 2016 war, such as Captain Armenak Urfanyan, Robert Abajyan and others.

In contrast, the heroes of the 44-day war remain unacknowledged officially. This omission is not merely due to the defeat. Despite the loss, I am certain that many of our young people demonstrated commendable dedication to the motherland and deserve recognition.

The current government, however, finds it convenient to emphasize stories of 11,000 defectors, “deliberate surrenders,” and a “5th column” at the front. This serves not only as a way to justify their own failures but also to align with an official narrative that dismisses patriotic values as hollow.

According to this narrative, the focus should now be solely on “statecraft.” We are expected to love a state defined by borders drawn by Aliyev.

Aram Abrahamyan

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