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“Father Husik also became the leader of the ANM. His service was suspended, but when he died, he was buried as a priest”, said Mikael archbishop Ajapahyan.

May 29,2024 17:51

What does it mean to suspend spiritual service? Yesterday in Sardarapat, Archbishop Mikael Ajapahyan, the leader of the Shirak Diocese, clarified this question. “It means that he remains a clergyman, but does not act as one. He keeps his rank and all the associated privileges, but does not perform the duties or functions of a clergyman in a technical sense.”

He assured that Reverend Bagrat can certainly return to spiritual service whenever he wishes. He has the right to wear the cross and dress as a clergyman.

We checked whether there has been a precedent in the church where a service was suspended and then resumed, or if it was necessary to leave the clergy altogether. “You may not remember, being young, but Father Husik’s case is a precedent. He became one of the leaders of the ANM (Armenian National Movement), and his service was suspended and remained so until his death. When he died, he was buried as a priest. He did not return to active priesthood, but remained a priest nonetheless.”

We found out that during the last church meeting, when the diocesan leaders met with His Holiness, very few bishops supported Reverend Bagrat. Reverend Mikael responded: “I didn’t support him either. Do you think I favor him putting himself on the altar?”

Hripsime Jebejyan


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