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As if you maintain the “Real Armenia” well

May 31,2024 10:31

“The historical homeland is not important to us; our concern is the existing state. The homeland is a kind of dream, referring to incomprehensible national dreams, unrealizable historical aspirations, but the state is a concrete, tangible phenomenon that should be loved and cherished.”

That claim itself is absurd. It’s like saying, “My mother is not important to me; parental love and maternal care are meaningless “lyrics”. The woman who gave birth to me is important to me; I think about her physical existence”.

But let’s set that argument aside and, as a purely intellectual exercise, admit that a state can exist without history, national identity, or vision.

Who are those who pretend to value the state? Are they skilled leaders who have brought the state to an unprecedented “brilliant” condition within six years?

Do these leaders ensure the territorial integrity of their “beloved” state? Or are the lands handed over in Syunik and Gegharkunik also “historical Armenia”? For example, Chief of the General Staff of RA Asryan believes that this is not the problem of the state, the Armed Forces, but rather of journalists.

And the fate of our compatriots kept in Azeri prisons—is that not part of the responsibilities of our state? Although I assume that Pashinyan does not mind at all that Ruben Vardanyan (by the way, a citizen of RA) is in the hands of the enemy. This assumption is based on the fact that even now, preachers of Nikol continue to criticize our compatriot in a difficult situation, bypassing all ethical considerations.

The real state does not fulfill its responsibilities to its citizens. Even with great effort, it is not possible to claim that the prisoners or the inhabitants of the border settlements under enemy fire are unreal and exist only in the minds of revanchists and nationalists.

I believe that Armenian churches, currently being destroyed by “peace-seeking” Azerbaijan, are the responsibility of the state of Armenia. But maybe I’m wrong; perhaps they are part of “historical Armenia.”


Aram Abrahamyan

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