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Discussions on the “Academic City” project continue

June 04,2024 12:00

A consultation was held under the leadership of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, during which issues related to the master plan of the “Academic City” were discussed.

The members of the Board of Trustees of the “Academic City” Foundation, Tobias Keil, the deputy director of gmp International GmbH Architects and Engineers, which designed the master plan of the Academic City, and heads of concerned departments participated in the consultation.

Tobias Keil presented the changes implemented in the master plan based on the observations and recommendations of the previous discussion and noted that the final conceptual master plan will be presented in the near future.

A discussion was held about the planned steps to follow the approval of the conceptual master plan, in particular, the development of the schematic plan. In that context, the Prime Minister noted that there are several stages of work. the first stage is to prepare the area for implementation. According to Nikol Pashinyan, at this stage it is necessary to deal with it, to have a road map for the preparation of the area with specific dates and responsible persons. The Prime Minister also instructed to submit a proposal regarding the transition from the master plan to the schematic plan, on what principle it will be implemented. According to the Head of the Government, it is already possible to think about it today, because there is enough information and necessary material.

In this regard, the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Zhanna Andreasyan, emphasized the importance of carrying out the process of final approval of the plan as quickly as possible and noted. “In addition to the areas where we can start the work, we can already determine the areas where the private sector can start the work, here they can go to design and construction faster.”

The participants exchanged ideas on a number of issues related to infrastructure. According to Minister Zhanna Andreasyan, utility infrastructures are one of the most important issues from the point of view of preparation of the territory.

Chairman of the Urban Development Committee Yeghiazar Vardanyan noted that at this stage it is already possible to carry out works related to land relief, as well as regardless of the stages of construction, it is possible to carry out works related to utility infrastructures. In this context, Nikol Pashinyan instructed to form a working group that will work out what to do next.

During the consultation, a number of issues related to the development of the transport project were clarified. Reference was made to the implementation of various legislative regulations.



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