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Tanja Fajon: “We see the constructive approach of Armenia in the establishment of peace in the South Caucasus”

June 04,2024 23:53

On June 4, the delegation led by the RA NA President Alen Simonyan met with the Deputy Prime Minister of Slovenia, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon within the framework of the official visit to Slovenia.

“I note with satisfaction that the cooperation between Armenia and Slovenia goes on step by step. In the past years, regular contacts were held at the level of the Ministries, Embassies, active exchanges took place in the education, science, culture, health and in many other spheres,” Alen Simonyan noted.

Touching upon the cooperation between Armenia and Slovenia within the frameworks of the international organizations, Alen Simonyan evaluated effective the cooperation of the two countries.

“We are looking forward to beginning discussions on the perspectives of the new priorities of the enhanced partnership with the EU,” the Head of Parliament added.

The interlocutors discussed the security situation in the South Caucasus and in Europe, the process of the Armenia-Azerbaijan negotiations, the perspectives of the enhancement of the Armenia-EU cooperation, as well as a number of issues on the Armenia-Slovenia bilateral relations. The launch of the EU visa liberalisation dialogue for the citizens of the Republic of Armenia was launched.

Regarding the normalization process of the Armenia-Azerbaijan relations, Tanja Fajon stated: “We see the constructive approach of Armenia in the establishment of peace in the South Caucasus.”

National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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