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Situational Assessment with No Appeals

June 06,2024 10:30

Nikol Pashinyan is the worst leader of Armenia in recent decades. (Whether there were worse ones before that, let the historians decide.)

This is, of course, a value judgment, but it is based on indisputable facts. During his tenure, we have faced major territorial losses, tens of thousands of refugees, and a series of shameful defeats.

I think no brainwashed person will deny that.

The current prime minister cannot negotiate effectively with Azerbaijan because he is defeated, broken.  And it doesn’t matter how he swaggers in the domestic political arena. This is why Azerbaijan and Turkey are very interested in him staying in power.

If you don’t mind, I’ll make a household comparison. The little boy who was beaten in the yard, when he goes out to the yard again, those who beat him will at least give him a slap every time so that he does not feel complete under any circumstances. With that logic, after each concession, Aliyev makes new, more humiliating demands. It also happens that the beaten boy is sent to buy cigarettes for them, and after that, they “generously” pat him on the shoulder: “Good job, boy.” In that sense, it is not surprising that the high officials of Turkey and Azerbaijan sometimes praise Pashinyan.

That’s how I see the situation as a journalist (I don’t pretend to be an analyst, commentator, political scientist, or other high titles). It is not excluded that I am wrong and the situation is better or worse than I imagine. But I don’t think I’m qualified to do more than that within my profession. In other words, I can’t make fiery appeals: “Dear people, come out to the streets, knock them down, reject them.” It is the work of politicians, parties, activists, and propagandists.

If the movement led by Reverend Bagrat formulates how and what should be negotiated with Azerbaijan (and I think everyone agrees that it is necessary to negotiate and not to go to war), I will record it as an advantage of the movement. For now, I note that there is no such formulation.

…And we have seen what simply “rejecting” ends up with.


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