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Anahit Avanesyan: “If there are infections or other problems in the disaster area, the system is ready”

June 07,2024 12:00

Health Minister Anahit Avanesyan, in a briefing with journalists on 6 June after the government session, addressed the possible epidemic situation in the disaster zone of Lori region. She stated that water research is conducted daily, and yard visits are made to assess risks after the cleaning works and to determine necessary actions.

“At the moment, the situation is manageable. We don’t have any outbreaks or deviations, and we will continue preventive measures to maintain this status,” said the minister.

She also mentioned visiting the Alaverdi and Noyemberyan medical centers, where the team is working collaboratively. “I think it is thanks to this collective effort that there are no health-related problems.”

The minister assured that the system is ready to respond if there are infections or other issues. “Nothing unusual has been recorded so far,” she added.


In the photo: Anahit Avanesyan in Lori Marz. Photo from the FB page of the RA Ministry of Health.

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