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Will the RA Constitution be changed by November?

June 08,2024 10:30

Information regularly appears in the media that Armenia and Azerbaijan are preparing or at least “hope” to sign a peace treaty in November of this year.

In other words, the parties are so close to the final settlement of the problems between the two countries that certain “details” remain that can be agreed upon during these months.

And here, under the conditions of ” mutual understanding,” Ilham Aliyev declares that he will not sign the peace treaty under any circumstances if Armenia does not change its Constitution.

Pashinyan, in general, agrees to fulfill this demand of Aliyev. Of course, he does not admit that he is doing this at the behest of the neighboring country. Isn’t he, in his words, “fighting for Armenia’s sovereignty”? What kind of sovereignty if the legislation of your state is written at the behest of another state?

Although the Prime Minister of Armenia does not sincerely tell the citizens of Armenia that he is ready to change the Constitution at Aliyev’s request and brings some “conceptual justifications”, I assume that he has given appropriate assurances.

But changing the Basic Law until November, as far as I understand, is not possible. The “Aliev-Pashinyan” draft of the constitution is not ready yet and, moreover, it has not been discussed at any level.

It is clear that the majority of the National Assembly, the “Civil Contract” MPs, when it comes down to it, will vote in favor of that project. It is also not excluded that the propagandists of the government will be able to convince the majority of our population that if the Constitution is not changed, a war will start, the “formers” will come to power, and Armenia will become an outpost of Russia. However, I can’t imagine that this “operation” will be carried out until November.

Even if it succeeds, I strongly doubt that Aliyev will sign that ill-fated contract. He has another 20-30 demands, some of which he has already voiced. But if all 30 are fulfilled, I won’t be surprised if he demands to dismantle the Genocide memorial or to write “Citizens of Eastern Azerbaijan” in our passports.



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