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“There is no barrier, no barbed wire”

June 12,2024 10:30

Like the “formers” in the spring of 2018, today the current government is protected by barbed wire from protesters. When the “velvet revolution” triumphed, the new rulers boldly declared that there would be no more barbed wire on the streets of Armenia. It was as if there was such harmony and mutual understanding throughout society (excluding a few “anti-revolutionaries”) that the government would not need to protect itself with barbed wire. Or, as Tata sang, “there is no barrier, no barbed wire on the road to freedom for Armenians.”

Although Tata Simonyan’s genre of music is not to my taste, I highly appreciate his talent. I am not at all trying to blame him or anyone who was euphoric in 2018.

I myself, although not under “revolutionary anesthesia,” understood and still understand that what is doomed to change must change. Did I predict at that time that the CC members, like the “former ones,” would cling to their seats and be concerned only with their material goods? Was it expected that they would protect their positions with “berets” and barbed wire in the same way? Yes, all that was not difficult to predict, given the centuries of experience with revolutions. It was clear to me in 2018 that in all these respects, things would go pretty much as they are now.

But that a national disaster would occur because of the revolutionary government—this, I must admit, did not cross my mind. That’s what makes the “present” different from the “past” in a bad way for me.

The problems that existed in 2018 have largely remained the same. Added to that is the terrible defeat, whose “authors” continue to enjoy their seats, in the style accepted in Armenia.

And again, we are faced with the need for change. Moreover, I am not at all distressed by the word “counter-revolution.” If Turkey and Azerbaijan, in support of the “revolutionary” authorities of Armenia, offer to send troops to our country, then “counter-revolution” is not at all a rejectable process.


Aram Abrahamyan

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