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“I want the blood shed by our brothers not to be in vain,” says the brother of Taron Simonyan, who blew himself up rather than be taken prisoner

June 12,2024 12:00

Taron Simonyan chose to blow himself up rather than surrender to the Azerbaijanis. He stopped the Azeri convoy with a single rifle and a grenade. Bagrat Srbazan introduced Taron’s brother, Harutyun. “I want the blood shed by our brothers not to be in vain, to keep the borders drawn with blood strong. I have a cross in my hand, which was on him when my brother died. Please bless this cross,” said Harutyun Simonyan.

“Harutyun doesn’t tell everything due to excitement, but you will find out about him… Only this cross is left of his brother Taron. This is his presence and memory, this cross, which was blessed by the spiritual leadership of the Armed Forces. Every soldier wears it on his chest. Truth and love radiate from such crosses…

I say this with real shame, because we allowed it to happen like this. In our ranks are the parents of our martyred hero children, the fathers and mothers of our motherland. I am asking again to treat them with care, to keep them above our heads, and not to allow the street struggle to reach them, even though they are standing on the front line,” said Bagrat Srbazan.


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