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“There is no information from the father of 3 minor children”: The opposition figure’s wife warns

June 12,2024 13:30

As it is known, on June 5, the Gyumri opposition politician and former human rights activist Karapet Poghosyan was arrested during a protest by car organized by the “Tavush for the Motherland” movement in the way to Gegharkunik marz, and then detained for a month.
Karapet Poghosyan’s wife, Angin Malkhasyan, told that according to the information she received, her husband was transferred to Nubarashen Penitentiary yesterday, and he has not been allowed to contact his relatives for 6 days.

Karapet spoke to the family only once, and that was with the phone speaker turned on, while the investigator and lawyers were listening. He urged his relatives to take good care of themselves. No phone calls were made after that.

“This is an inhumane attitude: removing a person from the demonstration, arresting him, and making him unavailable now. Karapet has health problems; his blood pressure is high, and he takes medicine every morning. In addition, he has three minor children and a mother with health problems to take care of. Was there no other measure of restraint, like a signature not to leave the country or even house arrest? People commit serious crimes, but they are left free. What did Karapet do?

By the way, all the documents about his illnesses, as well as my unemployment, were submitted to the court, but they were not taken into account at all.

Where is the Defender of human rights? Isn’t this a violation of human rights? Where are the defenders of children’s rights, the NGOs that receive grants for that purpose? Or are the children of the opposition activists not children?

We all know that Karapet was detained for his opposition views. They have been following him for 6 years, chasing him, trying to drag him into criminal stories about patrols or various people and issues, but it didn’t work.

Whoever loves his country, worships the land, and holds the honor of the flag high, will be taken away and imprisoned, right?” says Angin Malkhasyan.


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