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Business entities to be obliged to implement the requirement to provide the area with video surveillance systems after the package of drafts coming into force

June 13,2024 12:45

As a result of the adoption of the legislative initiative, the business entities will be obliged to provide the entrance of the facility and all the sides consecutively and high quality with video surveillance systems having the possibility of shooting in dark hours and preserve the video at least for 15 days.

It refers to the banks, the loan organizations, the pawnshops, the pharmacies, the point with separated entrance for foreign currency exchange, the postal communication facilities, the areas being used for rendering public electronic communication services or the public electronic communication network operation, trade entity with more than 100m2 , as well as liquid fuel, trade points of retail of compressed natural or liquefied petroleum or hydrocarbon gases, the trade venues, the metro, the underground parking, the public catering facilities with more than 50 m2 .

At June 11 regular sitting, the parliament in the first reading debated the draft law on Making Addenda to the law on Police. The RA Government and the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Hayk Sargsyan authored it. The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs presented the initiative.

The mandatory installation of video surveillance systems of halls of buses and mini buses, ambulance cars should be carried out in a way that it will be possible to completely monitor the front section, the halls of buses and mini buses. The rapporteur noted that the main goal of the initiative is providing higher threshold of public security.

After the package comes into effect the business entities will be obliged to implement the requirement to provide the area with video surveillance systems during one year. The deputy Arpine Davoyan proposed to extend this term, which the Deputy Minister considered admissible.

The co-author of the package Hayk Sargsyan noted that the initiative was revised for about one year, and a number of circumstances served as a basis related to the difficulties of disclosure of some crimes. It was mentioned that as a result of the adoption of the package, if necessary the police will have the right to require and to get the videos of the surveillance systems, as well as to have access to those systems – by daily 24-hour real time regime through the Management Center of Photo and VideAro Recording Electronic Systems SPCO.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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