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Police service to be established adopting draft with modern and international standard weapons

June 13,2024 14:14

Within the framework of reforms, the police will develop as a specialized structure in four pillar directions, and the Police Guard is among them, and its formation was designed by the Government programme and with a sectoral strategy. The RA Deputy Minister of the Internal Affairs Arpine Sargsyan said this at June 11 regular sitting, presenting the draft law on Police Guard and the enclosed presented package of draft laws.

The new status, the structure, the problems and the functions of the Police Guard, the guards’ rights and the duties are established by the legislative initiative. The Guard will operate as a new, full-fledged structure. “We’ll have three regional main sub-divisions, which will serve for public order and security,” Arpine Sargsyan gave details.

The RA Deputy Minister of the Internal Affairs answered the deputies’ questions, giving clarifications on the Guard’s activity, on different uniform descriptions of functioning special sub-divisions.

The Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security Armen Khachatryan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee on the legislative package.

“The Police service is established by the adoption of the draft with modern and international standard weapons,” Armen Khachatryan said.

The debate of the issue will continue at June 12 NA regular sitting.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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