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Annual Report on Activity of RA Audit Chamber of 2023 presented for debate of parliament

June 15,2024 11:15

In 2023, the RA Audit Chamber worked within the framework of its programme approved by the established order of the legislation. The programme comprised of 3 parts. 40 audits were carried out in ten state bodies. The Chairman of the Audit Chamber Atom Janjughazyan said this, presenting the annual report on the activity of the RA Audit Chamber of 2023 during the RA NA regular sitting on June 13.

The Chairman of the Audit Chamber introduced the activity of the Audit Chamber within the framework of its international cooperation.

Speaking about the strategic measures of 2023, Atom Janjughazyan noted that four main goals were specified: Improvement of the legal field, the audit influence, modernization of the professional capacities and skills of audits, strengthening communication and ways of cooperation. As he presented, in practice all measures were completely implemented.

During the financial year, 52 audits were completed: 2 measures were implemented within the framework of the international treaty. 1 billion 332 million drams were spent, about 90% of which – for payment.

The Chairman of the Audit Chamber answered the deputies’ question, touching upon the improvement of the capacities of the structure and the quality of the audits.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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