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The Government approves the procedure for the implementation of the state support housing program for families forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh

June 16,2024 12:02

A regular Cabinet meeting took place today, chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The Government approved the procedure for the implementation of the state support program for providing housing to families forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh. Accordingly, the processes related to the issuance of certificates to the beneficiaries who were forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh after September 27, 2020 who meet the requirements of the program, the provision and use of support funds for the payment of monthly mortgage loans (principal amount and interest), as well as the grounds and procedure for the termination of the support. As a result, access to housing will be ensured for around 25,000 families forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh. Starting from June 15, beneficiaries can already submit applications online.

As noted by Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Davit Khachatryan, the certificate for the acquisition of an apartment will also be sent electronically, it will be sent to e-mail addresses. According to the deputy minister, there will be a QR code on the certificate, with which they can approach their preferred bank cooperating with the state within the framework of the program and start the process. And before that, citizens should choose the house or apartment that will correspond to the amount and conditions of the support program. “Starting from tomorrow, applications will be accepted for those cases when the beneficiaries want to buy an apartment or a residential house. From July 15, the platform will be opened for those who want to build a residential house. From August 1, we will be able to accept applications from families that already have a mortgage loan,” said Davit Khachatryan. The deputy minister also noted that families with 3 or more minor children, as well as families of victims and families with a member with disabilities of the first and second groups will receive support in the first phase.

“We hereby record that the housing program for our brothers and sisters forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh is starting, that is, it is entering the practical phase. It is a very important and integral part of the decision that in order to become a beneficiary of this program, those persons should have the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, that is, during this period they should have applied for and received the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia. We discussed this issue several times and came to the conclusion that this is the right approach. We must go this way, and this adopted principle must continue to work so that we do not deviate from our goals and objectives,” said Nikol Pashinyan. The Prime Minister emphasized that the Armenian government, as in the previous period, will be and will support our brothers and sisters forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh in addressing their social problems. “But I also want to emphasize the political will of the government: we will not allow the clerical-feudal elite of Nagorno-Karabakh to try to use the people of Nagorno-Karabakh for its plans. I repeat: we are very patient, we are very tolerant, we do not hide our love, but no one should perceive or assess this as a weakness of the government. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to say from the podium of the National Assembly that I hope that the addressees of this message will accept these messages and will not lead it to the point where we will have to deliver these messages to already specific addresses”.

The Government adopted a decision on the development and implementation of the “Cloud First” policy. According to the substantiation, in order to create the legal basis for the implementation of the cloud solutions policy, actions and their implementation dates have been defined. As a result, cloud solutions will be used instead of traditional servers to store information systems, data and information, which will provide reliable backup and recovery mechanisms to protect against data loss and will contribute to the modernization and advancement of the technological infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia. As noted by Deputy Minister of High-tech Industry Ruben Simonyan, in Armenia it is planned that the public authority bodies will upload information, which are not classified as state secrets, are classified as low-risk according to confidentiality in the cloud domain.

According to the decision of the Government, 2.83 billion AMD are planned to be allocated for the overhaul and repair of roads.

At the Cabinet meeting, the Prime Minister referred to the reconstruction works in the flood-affected settlements in the disaster zone. Details of the planned works were presented.



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