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Restoring Lake Sevan ecosystem with EU support

June 19,2024 14:14

The EU-supported strategy of restoration of the Lake Sevan ecosystem was presented in Yerevan, Armenia.

The strategy was developed as part of the ‘Development of 2024-2030 Strategy for Restoration of Lake Sevan Ecosystem’ activity, implemented by ‘CIVITTA AM’ (Armenia) within the wider ‘Environmental Protection of Lake Sevan’ (EU4Sevan) project.

EU4Sevan is co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and implemented by GIZ and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

During the workshop, the main goal, principles, methodology, and necessary measures for the lake’s restoration were discussed, together with the detailed action plan with financial analysis and comprehensive risk assessment. The event was attended by stakeholders, representatives of state institutions dealing with regulation of the sector, and representatives of scientific, international and non-governmental organisations.

Deputy Minister of Environment Ara Mkrtchyan highlighted the importance of the strategy, saying the ministry aimed “to introduce adaptive management practices to ensure the long-term stability of Lake Sevan”.

Frank Hess, Head of Cooperation Department of the European Union Delegation to Armenia, said that financial investments by both state and international donor organisations were important for overcoming the problems of Lake Sevan, and highlighted the importance of evidence base and a participatory approach to the processes within the project.



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