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EU deploys experts and donates €100,000 to the Armenian Red Cross for flood victims

June 20,2024 11:15

Following the flash floods in Armenia’s Lori and Tavush regions in May, the European Union has announced the allocation of €100,000 in humanitarian funding to assist the most affected villages.

This EU funding will support the Armenian Red Cross in delivering much needed relief assistance, including cash assistance and essential supplies.

This humanitarian aid aims directly to benefit 5,060 individuals in total, including 2,500 individuals who will receive cash assistance for their most immediate needs and 2,760 individuals who will receive support with gaining access to shelter, water, sanitation, and hygiene. The assistance is targeting families whose homes, crop fields, livestock or food supplies were destroyed during the floods.

The funding is part of the EU’s overall contribution to the Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

The EU has deployed a team of experts who will assist the Government of Armenia in assessing the damage to infrastructure. The EU Civil Protection Mechanism’s experts have already met with local authorities to better understand the government’s needs and have started assessing damaged structures in Tashir and Alaverdi. The team focused on infrastructure (small bridges) providing access to farmland and also inspected houses.

On 26 May, heavy thunderstorm rains occurred in Armenia, which resulted in significant precipitation, in some places up to 100mm. This caused sudden flooding of the Debed, Aghstev and Tashir rivers in Lori and Tavush marzes.

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