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What does “demarcation” mean in these conditions?

June 20,2024 10:30

France will provide Armenia with “CAESAR” self-propelled artillery units. The military heads of the two countries have signed a document formalizing this. This is certainly a welcome development. Additionally, the news that our country is planning to purchase anti-aircraft defense systems from India inspires cautious optimism.

Naturally, Azerbaijan believes that we should not have an army and should not protect our sovereign territory, making several statements to this effect from Baku. In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia issued a statement highlighting three key points:

  1. Having a modern army is our sovereign right.
  2. Azerbaijan has occupied “vital areas” of more than 30 villages in Armenia.
  3. There are reasonable suspicions that after the COP29 summit, Azerbaijan will launch new aggression against Armenia.

Pay particular attention to the last point. Significantly, this record was made not by a “former-revanchist” or a “clergy-bishop,” but by an official body, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia.

Against this backdrop, the prime minister’s recent actions appear extremely illogical and incomprehensible. If it is officially recognized that Azerbaijan has occupied our territory and is expected to attack us again soon, then what “peace agenda,” “crossroads of peace,” or “demarcation” are we talking about? These can only be considered after the de-occupation of the said territories. Has Azerbaijan expressed such readiness?

It turns out that, despite the enemy having taken the “vital territory” of 30 villages from us, Pashinyan wants to concede 4 more villages at this stage.


Aram Abrahamyan

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