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The Government also approved the project “On approving the financing agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the European Commission for the “Instrument for the implementation of reforms and CEPA”

June 20,2024 17:15

A regular Cabinet meeting took place today, chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The Government has approved the bills “On Amendments to the Law on Road Traffic Safety” and “On Amendments to the Code on Administrative Offenses”. As a result of the adoption of the bills, the concept of a means of personal mobility (movement), the requirements for their use in traffic will be defined, and measures of responsibility will be provided for violating the requirements for traffic.

The bill “On Amendments to the Law on Road Traffic Safety” defines the means of transportation, according to which it is a vehicle with one or more wheels (rollers), designed for individual movement of a person using an electric motor. In particular, the following requirements for the use of these means of transport have been defined by the bill: persons over 18 years of age, as well as those who have reached the age of 16 and have the right to drive a vehicle of the “AM” subcategory, are allowed to travel by the mentioned means of transportation on bicycle or bicycle-pedestrian paths or in a lane for cyclists, on a sidewalk or a pedestrian path in the following cases, if there are no bicycle paths, if it is impossible for cyclists to use the lane or to travel on them.

The bill “On Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Armenia” envisages, in particular, the imposition of a fine in the amount of five times the minimum wage, in the case of violating the requirments for the road use of the mentioned means of personal mobility.

As mentioned by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Arpine Sargsyan, the rules of personal mobility means are not meant for holding accountable those who violate the rules. “It is very important to create a culture here that allows for regulated traffic, given the prevalence of such measures and also the fact who are the main beneficiaries of them.”

After summarizing and evaluating the effectiveness of the state support program for housing security for families with children for the period of 2020-2023, it was decided to continue the program. As noted by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Narek Mkrtchyan, in March 2024, it was decided to extend the program until 2026, making it more targeted. The minister also noted that currently around 290 beneficiaries’ applications have been approved and are awaiting payment, 260 million AMD should be paid, and another 300 beneficiaries’ applications are being processed. “With this program, we propose to provide around 600 million AMD in order to ensure the payments of the approved applications, as well as to satisfy the applications predicted in the 3rd quarter, in order to ensure the continuity of the project.”

The bill “On approving the financing agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the European Commission “Resilience and Growth Plan for Armenia ” was approved by the Government. The purpose of the agreement is to support the social and economic resilience of Armenia, in particular, to contribute to the government’s policy to solve the short-term and medium-term problems of refugees, as well as to enable their long-term socio-economic integration, promoting also the implementation of the EU Economic and Investment Plan in Armenia. The program with a total cost of 15 million euros is financed from the EU budget within the framework of the instrument of Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation. co-financing from the Armenian side is not planned. Within the scope of the project, it is envisaged, in particular, to overcome socio-economic difficulties, paying special attention to supporting refugees with priority needs (including food). The assistance will be aimed at assisting the government to implement programs to meet the urgent needs of refugees, in particular by providing one-off multi-purpose cash assistance. Actions will be aimed at providing urgent assistance to the basic needs of refugees, including those related to food security.

The Government also approved the project “On approving the financing agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the European Commission for the “Instrument for the implementation of reforms and CEPA”. The purpose of the agreement is to promote the implementation of the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, while simultaneously supporting the Armenian government in the process of broader reforms, especially in the direction of the further socio-economic integration of people forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh, particularly in terms of the implementation of health care, social protection and employment strategies. The meassure is financed from the EU budget with a total cost of 3 million euros, within the framework of EU-Armenia 2021-2027 the Multiannual Indicative Programme, without the co-financing component of the Armenian side.




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