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The “Pro-European” Hypocrisy of the Bolsheviks

June 22,2024 13:03

There are clear criteria to determine whether the actions of the authorities are genuinely aimed at solving specific issues or if the displayed efforts are mere posturing, with the primary goal of maintaining power.

Let me provide some examples. Suppose we face the issue of leaving the CSTO. What prevents initiating that process through the appropriate procedures? In reality, no process has been initiated. It is stated, “we intend to withdraw,” but no action follows. Why? On one hand, it’s an attempt to woo Western partners (“we share the same values,” etc.), while on the other hand, it’s to avoid angering Russia.

This simple, rustic trick is far from being the “highest aerobatics” of diplomacy. Furthermore, playing such games can end very badly.

Or, take Pashinyan’s promise to hand over new territories to Aliyev under the guise of “demarcation.” He could order our units to withdraw right now. But experience shows that this might cause some unrest (though not particularly dangerous for the government). Hence, there are hints about a referendum. Of course, it’s a very “democratic” way: “Are you in favor, dear people, of the partition of Armenia?” I assume that the “dear people” (the majority of citizens of the Republic of Armenia) would be in favor of handing over new territories, as long as the “exes” don’t come back.

And now the issue of EU membership, which the current authorities of Armenia are allegedly “striving” for. If they truly aspire to this, nothing prevents them from first leaving the EAEU (it won’t happen without it) and then submitting an application to attain candidate status for membership.

But no: Pashinyan instructs a number of pro-government parties to create a buzz around the idea of holding a referendum on EU membership. This serves two purposes. The first is the same: to please the West without taking any practical steps. The second is, again, in Pashinyan’s style, to further divide an already fragmented society.

This initiative allows the government’s “pro-Western” propagandists to identify and label those who can be deemed “bad guys.” “Are you against holding a referendum? Then you must be Putin’s slave, a cleric, and a servant of the ‘formers’.” This nearly undisguised Bolshevik paranoia and search for “internal enemies” under the veil of “aspirations towards the EU” raises serious doubts about the sincerity of these “European” aspirations.

…And what if I favor joining the EU but oppose the government’s artificially fueled propaganda about the referendum?


Aram Abrahamyan

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