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EU welcomes Armenia’s proposal to establish bilateral mechanism to address alleged ceasefire violations

June 25,2024 11:15

“The proposal of Armenia to establish a bilateral mechanism to address alleged ceasefire violations on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border to reduce tensions is to be welcomed,” Toivo Klaar, the EU’s special representative in the South Caucasus, wrote on 23 June on X (formerly, Twitter).

On 22 June, the Armenian Prime Minister’s Office announced that the staff of the Prime Minister of Armenia had proposed to the staff of the President of Azerbaijan through diplomatic channels to create a bilateral mechanism for investigation of cases of violations of the ceasefire regime. The office stated that the mechanism was proposed because the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Azerbaijan “periodically disseminates information that units of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia are violating the ceasefire regime”.

Toivo Klaar added that the EU has for 15 years through the EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM) Georgia “helped organise similar meetings in Georgia and is ready to share its experiences.”

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