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The “Ideology” of “Just Living” is a Sign of Destruction

June 25,2024 10:30

Previously, I thought that ideology is formulated by the intellectual and spiritual elite of a nation, whose source of inspiration is high values and principles, if you will, “forms” (recalling Plato).

However, according to official propaganda and the masses who believe in it, there is no elite in Armenia. Those who claim to be called elite are all labeled as “scumbags and sellouts.” As a result, ideology is formed by the “people,” and Pashinyan, as their leader, is left to merely echo their sentiments.

Here, there is no need for Plato or any other great thinker. Everything is more than simple: “we just want to live.” In other words, as a nation and a state, we have no goal, vision, or even a direction. Let’s all satisfy our little “egos,” and life will become wonderful by itself. If the majority of RA citizens think this way (which I tend to believe), then the end of our state is approaching. No state can survive with that “ideology.”

You may object, saying that we have already fought, we have already struggled, and now we just want to live normally. I have three objections to this (admittedly very popular) opinion:

  1. The current situation in the world proves that people in many existing states cannot “just live.” The last wave of “restless living” started with the “Arab Spring” and continues with Palestine and Ukraine.
  2. In order to “just live,” your neighbors must come to terms with the idea that you have a state. Azerbaijan and Turkey actually had and still have the goal of destroying Armenian statehood.
  3. The same Pashinyan claims that we were not fighting and struggling but merely preventing Azerbaijan from living. In other words, the entire life and death of thousands of freedom fighters, national heroes, and people who endure hardship in Armenia and Artshakh are meaningful only in the context of causing trouble to Azerbaijanis.

This is nothing but Pashinyan erasing 30 years of statehood and placing a big tombstone on it.

Aram Abrahamyan

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