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Armenian and Georgian municipalities forge new partnerships across the border

July 02,2024 21:00

Armenian and Georgian municipalities forge new partnerships across the border.

They met in Dilijan, Armenia, on 26-27 June 2024 to exchange ideas for a cross-border cooperation project involving the creation of youth centres, shared management of agricultural resources, and joint economic development initiatives.

The participants reiterated their joint commitment to enhancing cross-border co-operation as a long-term vision for reinvigorating the Euro-Caucasus region, and an opportunity to share experience and good practice not only among neighbouring regions and municipalities, but also among local and regional authorities from across their respective member states, forging closer ties and promoting democratic development. Participating municipalities will be invited to apply to the Council of Europe for small grants to implement their project ideas.

The workshop is the 4th Stage of the Leadership Academy Program (LAP) for Cross Border Co-Operation  organised in the framework of the project ‘’Democratic Development, Decentralisation and Good Governance in Armenia – Phase II’’.

More details:

Council of Europe Office in Yerevan



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