How I See America
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How I See America

July 04,2024 10:30

Pashinyan’s “pro-Westerners” have thoroughly discredited Western values and ideas that should genuinely guide us, Armenians, if not all of humanity. Now, many may think that if you say “Putler” a couple of times and announce that tomorrow or the next day we will become a member of the EU, then that’s it, you’re pro-Western.

Meanwhile, for me, Westernism is a value, cultural, ideological orientation, as well as the belief that our state should genuinely go that way.

And since today is the 4th of July, let me talk about the United States. For me, the USA is, first and foremost, the Declaration of Independence, with its fundamental assertion that the Creator created men equal. For me, the USA is a country where the executive, legislative, and judicial authorities are elected by different mechanisms and for different terms. Therefore, there are reliable barriers for the possible stupidity and arbitrariness of the first person, and the deputies of the ruling party are not the slaves of the head of state.

The US is a country where the prosecutor can initiate proceedings against the president—not the former (as is the case in countries like ours), but the current one. Can our Westerners, who are busy glorifying the first person, imagine something like this in Armenia?

And I perceive Americans not only as rappers living in Beverly Hills but, first of all, as modest and hardworking families who thank the Lord with their prayer before sitting down to dinner. They have reverence for their flag, anthem, and the same Declaration of Independence. They bow to the heroes buried in Arlington Cemetery. Thanks to those Americans, the USA has become one of the most powerful and developed countries in the world.

…Do I like all US foreign policy moves? Not always. But in terms of its internal organization, it is a model from which we have much to learn.


Aram Abrahamyan

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