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National Assembly will not spare any effort on the path of its activity to make your life more prosperous: Alen Simonyan’s congratulatory address on Constitution Day

July 05,2024 18:45

Dear compatriots, law abiding citizens of the Republic of Armenia!

On July 5, we celebrate the day of our mother law – Constitution Day.

29 years ago this day most of us, our mothers and sisters, fathers and brothers by nationwide referendum adopted the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, stipulating the nature of the RA as a sovereign, democratic, legal and social state, and declaring the human and the citizen’s fundamental rights and freedoms.

The Article 2 of the Constitution stipulates that in the Republic of Armenia, the power belongs to the people. Despite the fact that regularly an attempt is made by some centres and groups to take away this inalienable constitutional right from the people, however the last events again showed our people’s prudence, proving that in the RA the power belongs to the people.

Dear compatriots, as a President of the RA National Assembly and as a representative of a political team that has adopted a distinct democratic path, I agree with a number of concerns worrying you that despite the provisions stipulated by the Constitution, still in different spheres there are some legislative gaps, which cause you to feel uncomfortable and sometimes not protected before the law.

Congratulating you on Constitution Day, I would like again to stress our determination to move forward on the democratic path and assure you that the National Assembly with its path of law-making activity will not spare any effort on the path of its activity to make your life more prosperous, dignified and comfortable.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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