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Data visualization with Power BI software course launched in Parliament

July 09,2024 15:45

The capacity building process contributes to the progress of the Parliament: Welcoming the participants of the Data visualization with Power BI software course organized within the framework of USAID Public Finance Management activity for the civil servants of the RA National Assembly, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Tsovinar Vardanyan said.

The Committee Chair highly appreciated the contribution of the USAID and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the development of the capacities of the Staff of the RA National Assembly, underlining the importance of continuous professional support. Expressing her gratitude for the implementation of another course, Tsovinar Vardanyan informed that a number of discussions were held regarding the programme. She wished success and an effective work process to those implementing the programme and the participants of the course.

According to the Chief of Public Finance Management Activity George Asatiani, the programme is a three-year initiative: They cooperate with the RA Government and the National Assembly. The goal is to improve the budgeting process in a number of structures. The course will provide an opportunity to analyze and present budget data to the concerned parties in the most accessible and efficient way possible.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia            

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