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EU Leader methodology: eight Local Action Groups in Armenia create nationwide network

July 10,2024 19:30

On 3 July, eight Local Action Groups (LAGs) of Armenia created a nationwide network, ARMLAG, by signing a cooperation agreement.

The signing ceremony took place in Gyumri, the second-largest city in Armenia, serving as the administrative centre of Shirak Province in the northwestern part of the country.

From now on, the Local Action Groups operating in Lori, Tavush, and Shirak have a common platform to discuss new strategies for their development. This will help them create new partnerships and find new funding opportunities.

“The creation of the national network ‘ARMLAG’ is a significant step in implementing the EU Leader methodology, aimed at the development of rural settlements in Armenia,” says a Facebook by the LEAD4Shirak project, funded by the European Union and the Austrian Development Cooperation.


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