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Ruben Rubinyan receives delegation of Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of House of Representatives (Parliament) of the Netherlands

July 10,2024 21:00

The RA NA Vice President Ruben Rubinyan received the delegation of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives (Parliament) of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on July 9. Charge d’ Affairs of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Armenia Jaap Frederiks and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia to the Netherlands Viktor Biyagov attended the meeting.

Welcoming the delegation in the Parliament, Ruben Rubinyan highly appreciated the existing relations between the two countries. He underlined the role of the inter-parliamentary diplomacy in the development of bilateral relations, noting that the EU partnership is important for Armenia. The member of the delegation Derk Boswijk thanked for the warm welcome, stressing that Armenia is a very important country for the Netherlands.

The NA Vice President presented to the delegation Armenia’s vision of achieving stable peace in the South Caucasus.

Ruben Rubinyan answered the questions of the members of the delegation, referring to Armenia-Azerbaijan, Armenia- Türkiye relations, the progress of the democratic reforms in Armenia and the existing challenges.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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