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Pashinyan Explained to Armenians Who They Are

July 11,2024 10:30

Since yesterday, the interstate road connecting Armenia and Georgia through the village of Kirants has been non-operational, with a part of it effectively coming under Azerbaijan’s control. Even if the bypass “rural” road is paved properly, it will still be much more uncomfortable.

Every “improvement” in Armenian-Azerbaijani relations ultimately leads to the weakening of our security, economy, and ultimately, sovereignty—the sovereignty which the current authorities of Armenia are supposed to support. The same thing happened with the Goris-Meghri highway in 2021. The new “demarcations” and handing over of “enclaves” will have similar consequences.

The reaction of Armenian society, both in the case of Syunik and Tavush, is mostly indifference. Armenia’s “shrinkage” does not affect our daily lives and does not touch the “skin” of those living in the capital. It is not excluded that this will continue for a few more years until the well-known pattern plays out: quantity will transform into quality. Specifically, the living conditions of the residents of the border villages will become unbearable, prompting them to leave their homes. Meanwhile, the economic “vessels” between Armenia-Georgia and Armenia-Iran will be blocked.

But, I repeat, few people are concerned about it today. The primary psychological need of people is not money, clothes, or housing, but self-identification. The average person needs to be easily told who they are. This applies both at the group and national level. For example, Bismarck explained to the Germans who they were and what path they should take, without promising that the path would be pleasant or fun.

Pashinyan has also explained to Armenians who they are. And that explanation is extremely pleasant and inspiring. It “turns out” they are a mass tired of hardships, suffering, and struggles, whose consciousness and mind desire an easy life. Who wouldn’t be happy with such self-identification?

…Tell teenagers, “You don’t have to read any books; just have fun from morning till night without leaving your phones.” Teenagers will jump for joy.


Aram Abrahamyan

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