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Armenia is Close to a Peace Treaty That Can End the Decades-Long Conflict – Samantha Power

July 11,2024 12:00

“Today I am in this beautiful place, in the center of Cafesjian, which is a testimony to the rich history of this country, a testimony to the resilience of its people and the extraordinary contributions that Armenians have made all over the world. I am here today because Armenia has a window of opportunity to build prosperity, strengthen its democracy, and achieve the peace that people have dreamed of for a long time,” said Samantha Power, head of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), at a press conference.

She summarized her official visit, during which she met with high-ranking officials of Armenia, leaders of the business sector, and young people.

“The US Agency for International Development and the US in general are ready to help Armenia get the most out of this window of opportunity. Since the Armenian people stood up and demanded change in 2018, Armenia has made significant progress, deepened democratic reforms to make the government more responsive to the needs of citizens, and created economic opportunities that were previously impossible due to corruption.

Today, Armenia is close to a peace treaty that could put an end to the decades-long conflict. Representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan continue negotiations aimed at reconciliation.

The US will do everything in its power to help Armenia seize this historic moment. In the last two years, USAID has doubled its support to Armenia. We supported the Armenian people’s demand for democratic reforms,” said the head of the US International Development Agency.

Gohar Hakobyan

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