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It is proposed to establish authority to approve sectoral investment programmes by Government

July 11,2024 17:15

On July 11, the National Assembly convened an extraordinary session on the initiative of the Government, with the agenda set by the initiator.

The debate of some agenda items will be carried out in a special procedure: Their second reading debate will be carried out within twenty-four hours after their first reading adoption.

In the first reading, the draft law on Making Addendum to the Law on the Structure and Activities of the Government presented by the RA Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan was debated.

The draft proposes to add a provision to Article 11.8 of the law, as a result of which the Government can approve sectoral investment programmes.

As a result of the adoption of the legislative initiative, the right of the Government to approve sectoral investment programmes will be established.

According to the draft, an investment programme is considered to be the one presented by the initiative of an economic entity, requiring state support and specifying the volume of the planned investments.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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