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The importent international conference held in Baku will legitimize the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh. Artak Beglaryan

July 12,2024 16:30

This year, the UN Climate Change Conference, UNFCCC COP 29, will be held in Baku in November.

There were some complaints about holding this important international event in Baku, but nothing has changed.

According to the former ombudsman of Artsakh, Artak Beglaryan, by holding COP-29, Aliyev will legitimize in the eyes of the world everything he did with Artsakh and Armenia. “After that forum, Aliyev will become worse, because he will receive international legitimization. We must do everything to release the hostages held in Baku before then, otherwise it will be impossible to do anything after that, because holding such an international conference in a country that has carried out ethnic cleansing means legitimizing that process,” stressed Artak Beglaryan during a webinar organized by the Armenian Congress of America and Save Armenia. The webinar focused on  the background, ongoing situation, and path forward to demand the release of hundreds of Armenian civilian hostages, prisoners of war, and political prisoners illegally held by Azerbaijan.


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