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Ararat Mirzoyan and Tatiana Molcean discussed the implementation of joint programs between Armenia and UN bodies, including the UNECE

July 17,2024 17:20

Within the framework of the working visit to New York, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan had a meeting with Tatiana Molcean, UN Under Secretary-General, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

The interlocutors discussed the implementation of joint programs between Armenia and UN bodies, including the UNECE.

The process of effective implementation of Sustainable Development Goals by Armenia and the 3rd Voluntary National Review presented by the Foreign Minister of Armenia were touched upon. Views were exchanged on the possibilities of cooperation with the UNECE in order to achieve the goals of the “2030 agenda”, including in the fields of transport infrastructure, renewable energy, green economy, environment, road safety.

Ararat Mirzoyan and Tatiana Molcean also discussed the priorities of cooperation on multilateral platforms, including within the framework of the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries.

The Foreign Minister of Armenia also briefed on the latest developments in the security situation of the South Caucasus.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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