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An honorary consulate was opened in the region of Puglia

July 18,2024 13:30

Secretary of the “Armeni Apulia” association in Bari, co-founder and head of the “Hrand Nazariants” cultural center, Professor Carlo Coppola, known in Italy for his pro-Armenian activities and works on Armenian-Italian historical ties, expressed his happiness in a conversation with about the opening of an honorary consulate in Puglia. He noted that this is significant especially since there is a small but strong Armenian community in the region.

The Honorary Consul of Armenia is Dario Rupen Timuryan, who will be the contact person for the protection of Armenian citizens and the promotion and strengthening of scientific, cultural, educational, economic, and commercial cooperation in Puglia.

Carlo Coppola reminded that Armenians settled in Puglia in the Middle Ages, starting from the beginning of the 10th century when Bari was the capital of the Byzantine estates. Dr. Siranush Quaranta, a descendant of Armenian settlers in the Nor Araks settlement of Bari, presented materials and maps documenting the geographical and architectural evidence of the history of Armenians in Central and Southern Italy at an event held at the Italian Embassy in Armenia last year. Some Armenian families who survived the 1915 massacre also found refuge in Bari.


Gohar Hakobyan

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