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Vahan Kostanyan: Armenia and Nepal, as mountainous and landlocked countries, face particular challenges

July 18,2024 15:45

In New York, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vahan Kostanyan participated and delivered remarks at the side event organized by Armenia and Nepal within the framework of the High-Level Political Forum.

The Deputy Foreign Minister touched upon the Armenia-Nepal Twinning programme  in cooperation with the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the exchange of positive experience in the implementation of its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and expressed readiness to continue cooperation towards advancing the common agenda.

Vahan Kostanyan emphasized that Armenia and Nepal, as mountainous and landlocked countries, face particular challenges and vulnerabilities for sustainable development, in particular the issues of access to global markets and the consequences of climate change. In the last context, the Deputy Minister mentioned the devastating flooding in Armenia and the significant damage it caused to communities and critical civil infrastructures.

During the forum Rabab Fatima, UN Under Secretary-General and High Representative for Landlocked Developing Countries, Permanent Representatives of Armenia and Nepal at the UN and Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Anna Gasparyan also delivered remarks.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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