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New human rights project launched in Armenia with EU support

July 20,2024 14:14

On 18 July, a new EU-funded programme, ‘ATHENA: Advancing the Human Rights agenda and enhancing national authorities’, was launched in Armenia.

The initiative aims to protect human rights and promote the development of institutional mechanisms. Implemented by UNFPA Armenia, UNDP Armenia, and UNICEF Armenia, it will strengthen the rights-based approach in public service delivery to safeguard protection, equality, and inclusiveness.

The initiative builds on the results of the ‘Accountable Institutions and Human Right Protection in Armenia’ programme, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA and OSCE in 2021-2023.

“Over the next 3 years, we will work together, building on the impressive achievements of the past, to further strengthen accountable institutions and build capacity for the benefit of citizens,” the EU Delegation to Armenia said in a Facebook post.


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