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The exceptional artistic composition will perform Puccini’s opera “La Bohème”

July 20,2024 15:00

In just a few days, on July 24, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia, under the direction of maestro Eduard Topchyan, will conclude its 99th concert season with a concert performance of Giacomo Puccini’s opera “La Bohème,” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Gohar Gasparyan, one of the greatest opera singers in the history of Armenia. The concert performance of the opera will be directed by Eduard Topchyan.

According to tenor Liparit Avetisyan, the most important thing is that friends have gathered around this work. Eduard Topchyan assures that an exceptional artistic team has been assembled. “I think it will be a great event for those who understand opera music,” emphasized Eduard Topchyan.

During the opera concert, sopranos Kristina Mkhitaryan (Mimi), Nina Minasyan (Musette), tenor Liparit Avetisyan (Rodolfo), baritones Gurgen Baveyan (Schaunard), Bogdan Bachun (Marcello), and bass Yevgeny Stavinsky (Colline) will perform. It should be noted that the exhibition dedicated to Gohar Gasparyan will be open for visitors in the foyer of the concert hall from July 22.

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Vova Arzumanyan


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