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Personal Life Should Be Separated from Politics

July 23,2024 10:30

Anna Hakobyan walks alone or with her family on the streets of London or Berlin, takes photos, and dresses in a particular way. Why does this cause such a stir? Or, why did a similar reaction occur when, for example, the wife of former Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan was photographed next to different bouquets of flowers?

In general, ever since Raisa Gorbachova, the hearts of Soviet and post-Soviet people start beating faster when discussing the wives of high-ranking officials or other family members. Probably, the false asceticism with which people were raised during my youth plays a role. Why lie? Because in the 1970s and 1980s, the communist elite was not ascetic at all.

Based on the base instincts of the Lumpen, populism exploits waves of hatred: “the people are hungry here, and he…” It is this personalized, incoherent, snobbish propaganda that intensified the hatred towards the “previous government” until 2018, greatly contributing to the change of government. The “Sashik” symbol became the main theme of opposition propaganda and was quickly forgotten.

Now, similar propaganda is being continued by the current opposition and, accordingly, by the future government. Naturally, if someone is living luxuriously with illegal income, it should be exposed, and law enforcement should handle it. That is why, in particular, the income declaration institute works.
But the propaganda I am referring to has nothing to do with this. It stems from elementary envy and Sharikov’s dream of “sharing everything.”

This is why politics and personal life should be strictly separated. Pashinyan’s policy is disastrous for our state and will lead to its actual elimination. As for where he goes for a walk and what kind of bike he rides, I don’t care at all.

Aram Abrahamyan


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