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Sargis Khandanyan receives journalists from Germany

July 23,2024 17:15

On July 23, the Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly Sargis Khandanyan hosted the journalists who arrived in Armenia from Germany at the initiative of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

The Regional Director of the foundation Marcel Röthig was also present at the meeting.

Welcoming the guests in the Parliament, Sargis Khandanyan emphasized the journalists’ visit to Armenia, underscoring that it is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the security situation and the challenges in our country on the spot.

The Committee Chair spoke about the priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy, highlighting the establishment of normal relations with all the neighbors among them. Sargis Khandanyan presented the latest developments in the process of normalization of relations with Azerbaijan and Türkiye, the efforts of the Armenian side. The MP underlined the role of the international community in establishing lasting peace in the South Caucasus.

Touching upon the expanding RA-EU cooperation, the Committee Chair attached importance to the decision made by the European Council on Foreign Relations to start the visa liberalization dialogue with Armenia, as well as to provide support to our country under the European Peace Facility.

Sargis Khandanyan answered many questions of the journalists, presented in detail the Crossroads of Peace project developed by the Armenian Government.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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