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The Hostile Environment Awareness Training was organised in cooperation with the EUMA, the German Federal Police Academy and the European Security and Defence College

July 26,2024 12:45

Hostile Environment Awareness Training held for EUMA mission members in Yeghegnadzor, Armenia from 8 to 12 July 2024

The Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) was organised in cooperation with the EU Mission in Armenia (EUMA), the German Federal Police Academy and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).

The HEAT course is a crucial and mandatory component in preparing mission members to work and operate in hostile environments. The purpose of the training was to improve the security and safety awareness of mission personnel and develop confidence to thrive in challenging and hostile environments.

‘We are proud to announce that 17 of our mission members have successfully completed the course and received their certificates. This training has equipped them with essential skills and knowledge, enhancing their preparedness for challenging environments’, said EUMA Head of Mission Markus Ritter.

A mobile team of five HEAT expert instructors from the German Federal Police Academy conducted the training. EUMA personnel was heavily involved in the planning and execution of the training and played a key role in all aspects of the successful course.

‘The course days were intense and I sincerely want to thank all the participants for their commitment and dedication. I hope we were able to provide some useful tools and advice on how to anticipate risks and react in threatening security situations. I extend my best wishes to all mission personnel for a successful assignment in Armenia’, said Course Director Alexander Becker.

ESDC Training Manager Isak Enstrom was also very pleased with the outcome of the training:


‘I am truly impressed by the dedication and tireless support from the mission and the expertise and professionalism of the German Federal Police Academy. This was an excellent display of a successful and productive three-way partnership.’


European Security and Defence College

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