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Yerevan’s search for alternatives does not mean deterioration of relations with Moscow-Yuri Kim

July 27,2024 15:45

ARMENPRESS First Deputy Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of State for Europe and European Affairs Yuri Kim,  at the discussion “The role of the U.S. in the establishment of a new regional order in the South Caucasus,’’ noted that Armenia’s search for alternatives does not mean that Yerevan’s relations with Moscow are deteriorating.

Former Ambassador to Armenia and Ukraine and senior expert on Russia and Eurasia of the Carnegie Program Marie Yovanovitch, director of the European Program of Carnegie University, former U.S. Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Dan Baer also attended the discussion.

“Armenia is looking for alternatives. This does not mean that Armenia’s relations with Russia are deteriorating. We are very eager to provide as much support as possible to Armenia’s efforts to diversify its relations, strengthen its security economic prosperity, and sign a peace treaty with its adversary,’’ said Kim.

Speaking about the ongoing peace negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, she emphasized that Washington is trying to establish ties between Yerevan and Baku to help facilitate a peace agreement. She also added that the US is considering other options for providing support to Armenia, including through the US Agency for International Development.

“In the current financial year, it is about $77 million, nearly double what it was just two years ago. These funds will be directed towards Armenia’s stability in areas such as climate and food security, as well as efforts to lift Armenia out of isolation,” said Kim.

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