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Mesrobian High School Marks a Historic Achievement in the Lebanese Second Baccalaureate Official Exams

July 30,2024 21:50

At the close of the 85th anniversary year, Mesrobian Armenian Catholic High School marked a historic success in the Lebanese Second Baccalaureate official exams, bringing the 2023–2024 academic year to a worthy close. The year saw numerous achievements amidst the atmosphere of renewed hopes brought about by the school’s anniversary celebrations.

Out of the 38 students who participated in the state exams, 37 succeeded. Among them, 13 passed with distinction: six achieved “very good” and seven “good” mentions. Five students ranked among the top ten in Mount Lebanon district in their respective fields, with two achieving first and second place. These two also ranked among the top ten in all of Lebanon, placing fourth and sixth.

In the Life Sciences and General Sciences branches, the success rate was 100%, while in the Literature and Humanities branch, it was 93.75%. The overall success rate was 97.40%.

Students who passed with distinction are: Jessica Bassil, Celina Vartivar, Vana Seferian, Mark Gulgulian, Catherine Torossian, and George Marie (all “very good”), Angelina Jertidian, Elie Abboud, Rita Issahaguian, Vanessa Manakian, Georges Geuzugutchukian, Raffi Aswad, and Alexander Gorun Sermanoukian (all “good”).

In the Literature and Humanities branch in Mount Lebanon, Jessica Bassil ranked first, Celina Vartivar second, Elie Abboud eighth, and Angelina Jertidian and Rita Isahakian tenth. Jessica and Celina ranked fourth and sixth, respectively, at the national level.

The Mesrobian High School administration expresses great joy for this unprecedented success of its students in the Second Baccalaureate exams, congratulates everyone, wishes for continued achievements, extends congratulations to the parents, and highly appreciates the years of dedication and work by the school’s teaching staff in achieving this accomplishment.

Information Office
Armenian Catholic Mesrobian High School & Technical College

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