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Thanks to “Aravot” family

August 01,2024 12:30

30 years ago, on August 2, 1994, the first issue of “Aravot” newspaper was published. From December 6 of the same year until today, I am the editor of that media, a bright memory of the first editor of “Aravot”, poet Ignat Mamyan.

In 30 years, of course, a lot has changed in the political and media field, journalism has also changed, technically and creatively. If there was no overarching goal, if there was no desire to leave something unchanged, to preserve, I would even say to protect, we certainly would not have lasted three decades.

Let me try to briefly formulate what we are trying to prove during these 30 years. That one can, having one’s own opinion, listen, digest and reproduce ANY opinion (within the limits of law and ethics) without insulting and without being offended, without attaching labels and humiliating anyone. And not only an opinion, but also news, which can be unpleasant, unwanted, not beneficial.

It often causes bewilderment and sometimes leads to the search for hidden motives. Occasionally, it results in accusations of being hesitant. These mixed feelings can manifest as claims like, “We know you belong to this side or that side.” Some people cannot imagine that it is possible to belong to neither. It is easier for them to categorize everyone. We have long stopped paying attention to such conversations.

To last 30 years, it is not enough to be just an employee of “Aravot”, you have to be a FAMILY. Moreover, that family includes not only those who work in our media today, but also those who have ever worked in “Aravot”. I also consider people who have been starting their day with “Aravot” for decades as members of that family. There are not few such people. Of course, I have no illusions that it is a mass of several hundred thousand. It cannot happen that millions of people think like us.

I am extremely grateful to the big family of “Aravot”, I am filled with sincere love for those people and I believe that our words will change something in the world. For the better, of course.

Aram Abrahamyan

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