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The meeting of the “Open Government Partnership” initiative was held with the participation of the state system bodies

August 02,2024 11:15

Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister, Arayik Harutyunyan, chaired the session of the “Open Government Partnership” (OGP) initiative with the participation of state system bodies.

The representatives of the state bodies presented the process of fulfilling the commitments defined by the OGP action plan 2022-2024.

Commitments on data policy, strategic communication, freedom of information self-assessment, participatory budgeting, cadastral geoportal, electronic procurement system, judicial statistical tool, gift registry and digital employment contracts were presented.

During the discussion, a number of problems were raised regarding the failure to implement commitments on time or incomplete implementation.

Arayik Harutyunyan highlighted the importance of the effective implementation of the process and instructed the officials to speed up the pace and make efforts to implement the actions defined by the commitments by the end of the year.


The Government of the Republic of Armenia

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