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Pashinyan familiarized himself with the progress of the 6.3 km section of the H-26, /M-4/ – Yenokavan – Karmirgyugh – /M-16/ road

August 05,2024 16:10

On the second day of his visit to Tavush region, the Prime Minister visited a number of settlements and familiarized himself with the progress of the implemented projects


On the second day of his working visit to Tavush region, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan continued to familiarize himself with the programs implemented in various settlements with subsidy and other programs, as well as the programs that are still in the phase of implementation.

The Prime Minister first familiarized himself with the progress of the 6.3 km section of the H-26, /M-4/ – Yenokavan – Karmirgyugh – /M-16/ road. The cost of the project is 642 million AMD, which has been allocated by the Government.

In Ijevan community, the investment peoject for the production and expansion of decorative plants by the private sector was presented to the Head of the Government. Within its scope, it is planned to expand the production to 70 hectares, now the works are being carried out on about 16 hectares.

Nikol Pashinyan’s next stop was in Khashtarak, where the construction process of the temporary bridge was presented. The cost of construction is about 32 million AMD. As a result, a temporary crossing will be built. The works are carried out with the resources of the state budget. Khashtarak bridge collapsed as a result of floods in Tavush region.

On the second day of the regional visit, the Prime Minister got acquainted with the construction process of the new modular kindergarten of Bagratashen in Noyemberyan community. The cost of the project is 874 million AMD. A one-story building with metal structures is being built, a kindergarten with a capacity of 144 places. The Government allocated AMD 874.3 million for the the project.

In the Noyemberyan community, Nikol Pashinyan was also presented with the construction process of the new school in Bagratashen, the cost of which is 1 billion AMD. The school is designed for 432 students. The work is scheduled to be completed in 2026.

The Head of the Government visited Ayrum Kindergarten of Noyemberyan community, the renovation works of which will be completed by September 2024. Complete renovation and furnishing of the building has been carried out.

After that, Nikol Pashinyan got acquainted with the asphalt paving works of Noyemberyan’s Shiraz street. The cost of the project implemented under the subsidy program is 86 million AMD, of which 47 million AMD was provided by the Government.

As part of the visit, the paving works of the 5th street of Baghanis settlement were presented to the Head of the Government. The cost of the project implemented under the subsidy program is 39 million AMD, of which 27 million were provided by the Government.

As part of the road construction projects, Nikol Pashinyan got acquainted with the reconstruction works of the 3.7 km Acharkut-Kirants section, the estimated cost of which is around 1.1 billion AMD. The works are in the final stage.

Construction works of the new road in Kirants village section were presented to the Prime Minister. Asphalting works have been completed, road furnishing and retaining wall construction works are coming to an end. The total length of the road is about 0.7 km.

Nikol Pashinyan familiarized himself with the program of construction of a cattle shed under the government’s program “Construction or reconstruction of “Smart” cattle sheds and their technological support” in Sarigyugh settlement of Ijevan community, the cost of which is 23 million AMD. The farmer bought 16 head of cattle of the Jersey and Phlegmy breeds. 22-23 liters of milk are produced per day, considering the high quality, it is sold for 300 AMD. The livestock building is designed for 20-25 heads of cattle.

In Berkaber settlement, the Prime Minister had a meeting with the locals, listened to their problems and answered a number of questions.

The Head of the Government was present at the opening ceremony of the central park of Sevkar settlement. The total cost of the subsidy program is 89 million AMD, of which 49 million AMD was allocated by the Government. Improvement of the area of 2230 square meters, tiling of 1285 square meters, construction of pumping station and filtration station for fountains were carried out.

The Prime Minister met with the residents of Voskepar, answered questions related to the “State Support for Housing Security in Border Settlements” program.




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