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EU4Dialogue: settlements in Vayots Dzor province in Armenia learn how to use green energy

August 10,2024 12:02

Sixty people from the settlements of the Areni consolidated community, in Vayots Dzor province in Armenia, have undergone a series of trainings on green energy.

The trainings were organised by the EU4Dialogue project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Local residents and representatives from Areni Municipality learnt about energy saving technologies, resource mobilisation and innovative green approaches to saving money for the community, such as solar-powered street lights.

The EU4Dialogue project will also support the installation of 78 solar-powered LED lights on the main street of Areni.

According to a UNDP Facebook post, local residents hope that energy efficiency improvements in Areni will lead to increased tourist traffic.


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